Part 23: Traveling salesman
Part XXIII: Traveling salesman
When we last saw Gaius Stabbius, he was going to Maadoran because the Boatmen guild in Teron had been wiped out. Maybe he'll have better luck here.

In retrospect, Neleos was a bit of an idiot.

Peacekeepers, eh? I guess it makes sense if you're a believer of "death solves all problems."

Don't you hate it when people laugh at their own jokes?

Working for Gaelius has its perks.

The game implies Darista is ugly now, but her portrait shows otherwise. Seriously, she's a 9 out of 10.

Oh hey, looks like the stolen treasure has come up.

Okay, geez...

Several invisible men, it seems.

The logic of this is questionable. Levir is a fucking thief sitting on a pile of gold -- why would he let us take it?

Next to Hamza is this guy, who totally stole my name.

Thanks, Cyrus! This will come in handy in our current quest.

We don't need no stinkin' guide!

Can we pull this off?

Yes, we can.

Invisible men and women. The only point of interest is this brick wall.

Let's take a closer look.

Sir, I'm selling this fine dagger...

This guy is no big deal. My dagger can pull off critical strikes fairly regularly now.

What? You mean Levir isn't going to let us waltz out with the gold? Who could have predicted this!

Let's try to find this hidden tunnel. We can talk Levir into letting us go, but he'd want us to do a job for him in return and I don't feel like getting mixed up in that bullshit.

Nothing here.


We'll try the crafting option.

So long, Levir.

Okay, we lost a lot of people, but at least we get a big pile of gold.

Let's chat with Hamza.

Hamza is arguably one of the "best" characters in AoD. Sure, he's an assassin who's killed countless people, but he's loyal, which is more than I can say for most of the characters.

Now this is a job I'm looking forward to.

There's something poetic about the Boatmen being formed out of the remnants of the Emperor's personal guard, only to end up working for a man who wants to be emperor.

Darista had some bad luck when it comes to joining mercenary groups.

We'll see about that.

I wonder how many times Darista has to listen to guild members moan about working for Gaelius. Anyway, time to stop fucking around.

We can't sneak in, so we'll take the direct approach.

Good sirs, are you interested in buying a quality dagger? It's very sharp!

Nothing outside, so let's go in.

We could join forces with Lorenza, which means killing Darista. Frankly, I'd rather chew broken glass.

Okay, now I'm fighting a bunch of scantily clad women. This fight can get out of hand quickly, so make sure to brings bombs/nets/whatever you can to even the odds. It goes without saying that antidotes are a must.

I got unlucky and took some critical hits, so...

Death Count: 43

Things go smoother the second time.

Eat cold steel, Lorenza.

Lorenza and her ladies-in-waiting have some good stuff we can sell.

Three guesses as to who that someone might be.

What the fuck? Even Octavia didn't get a private audience with Gaelius!

Looks like he's decided to take care of that nephew problem.

I heal myself and prepare for the next quest.

There's an option to impersonate a guard, but I'm not taking it since it means getting into a fight.

Do or die time.

Hope this ring works.



Yes, I have the message written on this dagger...

I guess murdering a lord is the next step up from murdering nobles.

For a bunch of skilled assassins, the Boatmen can't handle a mob.

Being unleashed like a plague sounds fucking badass.

And with that, this part of the story comes to a close.
Next Time: Pain